Anambra State Association Finland is a socio-cultural organization registered in Finland as a non-profit organisation that is dedicated to membership empowerment through capacity building, with a commitment to design and organize programs, seminars, and workshops that inform, educate and enlighten our members.

We happily invite you to be part of ASA-FINLAND. Please download, fill out, and return the Membership Form and check out how you can be part of our great association, the one big happy family where brotherhood, love, and unity cannot be compromised.


The membership of the Anambra State Association is open to all Anambra indigenous citizens resident in or around Finland. Membership numbers will be unlimited. The classes of membership are described below:

  1. Full membership (all Igbo people of Anambra extraction): All Anambra citizen(s) who is residents of Finland is(are) eligible to apply as full members of the association. ***Citizen(s) as referred to above can also be extended to persons or individuals who, by the implication of mixed marriages, have either an Anambrarian father or mother.
  2. Associate Membership: This class of membership is open to person(s) who are not of Anambra origin and do not meet conditions set forth in Article §3(1) but identify themselves with or share the same ideology and objectives of the Association. Associate members may attend meetings and are allowed to participate in union activities except otherwise prohibited by the chairman on the advice of the executive committee. Associate members do not pay dues, they are not eligible to vote or be voted for and shall not receive any full membership entitlements or benefits unless otherwise stated.
  3. Honorary Membership: – This is person(s) or entity who makes substantial donations or contributions, such as funds, charitable goods and property to the goodwill of the Association. Or anyone who strongly identify with the goals and aspirations of the union, may at the recommendation of the executive committee, be conferred with honorary membership. Honorary members can participate in the union meetings but have no voting privileges and are not bound by any of the union rules except the rule guiding the meeting of which he or she opted to attend.
  4. Patron: – The executive board may recommend one or more members(full members and honorary members) to the general house at a regular meeting for designation as Patrons. To qualify as a patron, the individual(s) must have demonstrated a strong identity with causes of the association by their enthusiastic support, financial generosity, useful counsel and leadership. At no time shall the total number of active patrons be more than three (3) of ASA members.
  5. Inactive/Nominal/Non-Financial member: – A member shall be considered to be a nominal/inactive/non-financial member of the association if:
    1. He/she has not paid the membership fees or other dues within one year after the expiry date.
    2. He/she has failed to fulfill the obligations or requirements as stipulated in the constitution and show little or no concern in achieving the association goals and objectives, or without any justifiable reasons, refuses to engage in

Admission Criteria

  1. Intending member(s) must duly fill in the required membership form or Online Registration to express his/her willingness in joining the association.
  2. A person(s) aspiring to become full member of the association is required to pay his/her registration fee of 10 euro, as well as other dues, like annual dues, or any other dues approved by the general Assembly.
  3. Except otherwise stated, Associate, honorary members  do not pay Registration fee during registration.
  4. According to our constitution, A person(s) who participate(s) in all association activities but have not fulfilled all registration requirement as stipulated in Section 3.02 (I & 2,) shall not be considered as full member of the association and thus, shall not be granted or accorded full membership status or any entitlement contained therein.
  5. A registered member who has paid his/her registration fee, shall be given our guiding code of conduct (constitution) and a pin code (password) for access to our website privileged member pages.
  6. Transferred members: Anybody from other Anambra association in other countries/cities shall present a letter of clearance signed by the chairman and secretary of his former association and thereby exempted from paying the registration fee and other requirements.

Sign up today and our dedicated members will be in contact with you. We cherish your envisaged impact on humanity & Anambra State.